Spring blossoms
12 avril 2014 16:56 0 messages
What a wonderful hour for coffee-time we spent in a blossoming garden, with our American "assistant" (who has been a teachers’ aid for seven months in Bordeaux) before she goes back to the States.
Here are several words we learnt, either in French or in English :
glycine | wisteria |
camélia | Japonese camellia, Rose of Winter |
pétunias | petunia |
cactées | cacti |
rhododendron | rhodendron |
outils de jardinage | gardening-tools |
tuyau d’arrosage | hose pipe |
nettoyeur haute-pression | pressure-washer |
We spoke about her state, Michigan, and the gifts she treated us with :
- a special map in wood and
- dried cherries from the Cherry Republic.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Michigan_1718.jpg Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi by Guillaume de L’Isle, 1718 |
Finally, we asked her lots of questions about which vegetables her grand-father was having in his garden.
Dans la même rubrique
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