Talk versus gossip
20 août 2010 14:24 0 messages
Let’s chat
Is it possible for two women to talk for two hours without "falling into" gossip ?
The other day, we decided, after a short conversation about culture versus communication, to spend the whole span of our tea-time, chattering.
A real conversation, not the parrot-like way.
- how to develop conversational skills
- from narrative style to description, debate and analysis
- exposed to an environment in which one feels confident about expressing one’s opinions
- Encouraging to air their views
- closed questions
Classroom teaching is most effective when it is about dialogue rather than transmission and recitation. If children are given a chance to air their understanding, or even their misunderstanding, of a subject first, they then have a series of mental hooks on which to hang the knowledge the teacher imparts.
- teaching children to tackle problems discursively through talk
- to cultivate an appropriate "climate of talk" in classrooms.
This process of expression, debate and reappraisal has two benefits : children’s retention of knowledge about the particular subject of study is improved, but they also gradually emerge as educated thinkers capable of analysing and solving other problems in their own right.
The same technique also has benefits for teachers, who, by discussing the children’s ideas can assess their pupils’ level of knowledge and tailor their teaching to address specific needs, issues and knowledge gaps.
"Most revamps of education policy focus purely on literacy and numeracy skills,"
- lexical phrases and patterns
- participatory and less ’top down’."
According to Cohen, since gossip, like news, can be factual, ethics and intentions really count when determining if the information you are spreading is considered gossip or news.
- Was the information likely to do harm ? - probably gossip.
- Or was it an attempt to help ? - probably news.
- We need to ask ourselves : is the information something negative about a third party that isn’t there to defend them self ?
- Does passing on this information make you feel that you are better than the person you are talking about ?
- Are you using the information that you are passing along to better your own appearance (not necessarily physical) in some way ?
Devoir de philo : Existe-t-il une différence entre parler et bavarder ?
On ne parle jamais pour ne rien dire. Si l’on considère seulement le progrès des idées, il est évident que les êtres humains perdent un temps considérable à bavarder sans faire avancer d’un iota les connaissances.
Mais c’est oublier que l’homme a besoin de communiquer. C’est pourquoi, il ne parle jamais pour ne rien dire.
Comme le dit Roland Barthes : « Le langage est une peau : je frotte mon langage contre l’autre. » (Fragments d’un discours amoureux).
Avant de parler, l’esprit bavarde avec lui-même. Dans son roman Ulysse, James Joyce dépeint très bien, au cours d’un long monologue, ce qui se passe dans l’esprit d’un être - en l’occurrence une femme. Ce célèbre passage met en évidence le fait que le bavardage, c’est-à-dire la « suite sans suite » des idées qui nous viennent à l’esprit, précède et structure ce dont on souhaite parler à un moment donné.
Il existe plusieurs façons de communiquer : Ma relation à autrui est primordiale. Que je bavarde avec lui, que je plaisante, que je lui parle de choses graves, en tous ces cas, ce que je vise c’est son être. Dès que des liens humains se nouent, je cherche, prioritairement au moyen du langage, à découvrir autrui et être apprécié de lui. Du point de vue de la communication en général, on peut dire qu’il n’existe pas de différence notable entre parler et bavarder.
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