Tuesday, April 8
8 avril 2014 08:24 0 messages
The art of writing of acrostics with our first names
Each of us tried to find his/her own qualities through English adjectives, which was hard but fun.
- messy /orderly, clean, ordered, organized, uncluttered
- acrobatic / stiff
- right-handed / left-handed
- talkative / reserved, quiet
- impatient / patient, controlled, easy-going, enduring, forbearing
- curly hair / stiff
- eccentric / classic
- Natural
- intuitive
- creative
- optimistic
- life-lover
- emotional
- cool but calamitous in some circumstances
- happy, helpful, handsome a long time ago, humorous, wittty
- ragtag / neat - realistic, reasonable
- impartial, objective / biased, prejudiced, unfair
- senior citizen
- teaser
- ingenious, idol to my wife, icing on the cake
- amazing, approachable
- nostalgic : likes to think about the past
Dans la même rubrique
14 août 2015 – Calvin and Hobbes
30 juin 2014 – The three magnets
10 juin 2014 – House numbering : odd and even
29 avril 2014 – Tuesday, April 29